Brand children’s clothing: Resilience and security

In addition to the visual aspect, as a parent, you need to pay attention on the functionality of the children’s clothing. Are there reflectors on the jacket? There are small loose buttons and applications that can be swallowed quickly? Try and accurate testing can only answer all these questions. Since, department stores often are cramped and noisy; it is a good idea to order children’s clothing online.

Kid’s clothes online

The computer and the Internet are important components of everyday life for little kids, be it for watching a video or in regards to games. By stores on the internet that offer children’s clothing, you have the ability to perform a shopping trip with the child together online and make the trend the online shopping. The variety of arrangements, which can be found on the Internet, is often greater than the local store, so that the children receive in addition to the brand even more impressions.

Those, who still have very young children, can also simply order some clothes online and thus to surprise the child. As parents, they retain the control over the budget and the quality of clothes.

The right kids shoes

What is the difference between ‘fake’ and ‘real’ shoes – and how do I find the perfect size for the feet of my child? Here we tell you what damages can draw the wrong shoes for yourself, how can you really measure your child’s feet and what to look for when buying children’s shoes.

Incorrect footwear and the consequences

Many parents do not take this task very seriously; unfortunately, this show the new studies. Every second child brings uncomfortable shoes. Above all, to little shoes are questionable: The bones and joints are still very soft. Some shoes can deform permanently the children’s feet. These risks are obviously unfortunately underestimated. Adverse health effects can only be avoided if the parents take care when buying that shoes have the optimal size. A good selection of children’s shoes can be found on-line these days.

The first shoes for the little ones however, you should buy in the shop. Let us the qualified staff tell you exactly what to buy.

Children and Fashion: Children’s clothes

In addition to toys and sweets, the fashion industry is increasingly focused on the children. In this article, we would like to explain the psychology of brands and show the advantages and disadvantages of brand clothing in comparison with other products.

Brand children’s clothes

Trademarks are important for children. The youngest are always brand conscious when it comes to their clothing, school supplies or toys. The study has shown that the percentage of 6 – to 9-year-olds, who decide independently on their clothes, has increased between 2005 and 2010 from 59 to 72 percent. When asked about the 6 – to 13-year-olds about the importance of brand clothes, so now answers every second child that brands are crucial to his choice of clothing.

Therefore we need you actively engage with brands and question why your child wants to wear them. How to achieve a healthy balance between the desire of the child, the price and the functionality of the children’s clothes?

Brand clothing is better

It is not necessarily. Sometimes others clothing also are good. Overall, the brand companies provide the customer with a better product, so that the value of the brand continues to grow. Especially in apparel for sports, winter jackets and the like, it is advisable to rely on the experience of major brands.However, the price should always be kept in mind because children are growing and the 300-euro jacket, which is unlikely to be fit for next year, is not very wise investment. For small children in kindergarten or first grade in elementary school branded clothing is certainly unnecessary.

The children at that age are going to develop their social skills in the wrong way, if they think about the brand clothing as something, which makes them better than others.

Consider children’s wishes

The shopping trip with the children is most successful when they are involved in the decision regarding the clothing. With sweaters, pants or jackets that are dyed in the favourite colours of the child and possibly even a motif from the favourite cartoon or favourite book, you can hardly go wrong.

Children’s clothing: The fabrics

Quality clothes for our little children are no longer a luxury, but a necessity.Especially, when the little ones start to crawl. The pants, leggings and tights should be abrasion resistant. For the nursery or playground tear-resistant materials are very important, after all, remain children quickly once on the slide or other game device hang. T-shirts, sweaters and jackets should be sufficiently robust. In addition, children’s clothing must retain their shape.Moreover, it is particularly important that the children’s clothing should be easy to clean and to dries quickly.

Trouser Fabrics and Quality

Trendy outfits for the kids, combined with high quality, durability and comfort – these are the characteristics of good clothing. Solid cotton fabrics for pants like jeans, corduroy, sports or other pants are also slightly elastic and does not constrict. Parents should not skimp, quality children’s clothing is essential.
Pants – a unique look

Long pants with a percentage of elastin are especially recommended. Short shorts of cotton are perfect for summer, and for girls – cotton skirts and dresses. To play free your children, pants versions are simple, without frills. Short and knee length dresses, made of high-quality fabrics are suitable for everyday use.

Long dresses and thin to transparent materials are available for receptions, family celebrations and other events where the kids are always under the supervision of parents. For guys, this is a good occasion to wear suits, dress shirts and ties.


Life takes place outdoors! Following this motto, children’s clothing should be pleasant, mild. Usually at least a jacket is needed to protect the kids from wet, cold and wind. With regard to outdoor jackets and pants is made a distinction between the summer and winter models.

The jackets can usually be very easy to machine wash. Some models are equipped with an impregnation that protects the child from wetness.The summer and winter jackets are available for every season, there are many fashionable colors and designs.For dry and windless days, however, cotton jackets still in fashion.